Spring League and Spring Camp Information Coming Soon!

Kickers Say Soccer


Registration for the 2024 Kickers Fall Season is now open!  Financial assistance is available-- Contact Misty at 812-480-2151 if you are interested.

For the 2024 Fall Season:

We offer several programs for Fall 2024, including a new Pre-School Division AND a new Middle School Boys Division! All divisions -- except the Pre-K and Kindergarten division-- will have games beginning August 17. You should hear from a coach by late July. We have a 10-game season for all divisions, with the exception of the Pre-K and Kindergarten division. The season ends before the start of Fall Festival (October 5).

Pre-K and Kindergarten Divisions: $85
1st Grade Divisions: $95
2nd/ 3rd Grade Divisions: $95
4th/5th Grade Divisions: $105
Middle School Divisions: $105-- fee is $40 if player is also on a Cub Soccer Team

Pre-K and Kindergarten games will begin on September 8 and continue for 6 weeks. All Pre-K and Kindergarten league games are played at Golfmoor field near Helfrich Park STEM Academy on Sunday afternoons. You should hear from a coach in mid to late August. Pre-K players MUST be 4 years old by August 1. No exceptions!

All players receive a t-shirt and socks. Pre-K and Kindergarten players will also receive a soccer ball.

Shin pads are required (these are available at Wal-Mart, Dick's, Academy, and Target). Cleats are not required but are recommended.

1st grade - Middle School teams will practice 1-2 times each week with the time/ day of week determined by the coach. All players will be placed on teams based on their school of attendance. Games will be played on Saturdays as well as Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Most games will be played at the Helfrich complex located next door to Helfrich Park STEM Academy on the westside of Evansville. Most teams utilize our practice fields at Daniel Wertz Elementary School, but coaches may select other locations for practices.

All of our teams are coached by volunteers. We encourage you to volunteer! Experience is not required-- just a passion for working with kids! If you have any questions about coaching, feel free to reach out to Tom Walling at 812-781-9647. He can help you understand the responsibilities of coaching as well as the resources Kickers has available for coaching assistance.


Kickers Say Soccer

Kickers SAY Soccer, 604 LeMay Drive
Evansville, Indiana 47712

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 812-205-5501

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