Spring League and Spring Camp Information Coming Soon!

Kickers Say Soccer


History of Kickers SAY Soccer

Dan & Linda Fonner founded the Kickers SAY Soccer League (formerly Evansville Soccer) in the mid 1980’s under the name of G.I.R.L.S. – Girls Independent Recreational League Soccer. Their concept was to have a fun recreational fall league for all elementary and middle school girls with its teams based whenever possible on the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation’s districts. They wanted all girls, regardless of skill or experience, to be able to play the game of soccer with their classmates and have their native school name on their jersey. Parents, grandparents and other community-minded people got involved with this league and coached, mentored and supported the girls.

Dan Fonner provided the organization and leadership the league needed. He was involved at all levels – a dad, a coach, a referee and an administrator. He aligned the league with the National Soccer Association for Youth (SAY), adopted their concepts and guidelines and made good use of the valuable resources SAY provides its affiliates. Much of our current league infrastructure was built by Dan during the 26 years he devoted to this league.

He passed away in mid-registration in 2006 and the league almost dissolved. Two men, Gary Walther and Gino Gott, made the decision to continue his work. A small Board of these two men and their wives, Christa Walther and Carol Gott, quickly came together and worked to make the 2006 season happen.

In 2007, this Board introduced the SAY recommended small-sided field format to the 2nd/3rd and 4th/5th Grade Divisions and started an Instructional Fun Camp for Kindergarten and First Grade boys and girls. The league changed its name to Evansville Soccer and developed a website in conjunction with an on-line registration program. Registration became easier for all and communication between administrators, parents, coaches, and players improved.

Confusion between this league and other soccer organizations using the words ‘soccer’ and ‘Evansville’ in their names led to the change to our present name – Kickers SAY Soccer – in 2008. That year also saw our Kindergarten/First Grade Soccer Camp transformed by our Coaching Director, Cat Broshears, into a fun and exciting place for young children to learn the game of soccer.

2017 saw the addition of a Spring Skills Camp along with the Fall season.  

For the 2019 season, we now play all games at Daniel Wertz and have worked hard to maintain these fields.  We now provide port-a-johns and an equipment shed along with upgrades to the parking area.  We now offer K-6th grade soccer for boys and girls!!  In 2022, we began utilizing both the Daniel Wertz fields and Golfmoor fields.  In Spring 2023, we had our first Spring League for 4/5/6 graders only.

In Fall 2023, we added lights to the Kickers Fields near Golfmoor, our biggest capital project to date!


Kickers Say Soccer

Kickers SAY Soccer, 604 LeMay Drive
Evansville, Indiana 47712

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 812-205-5501

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